
124 Units! Exclusive Preview of the World’s Largest Four-Way Shuttle Intelligent Intensive Warehouse

Created on:2024-05-08 14:09
Home    124 Units! Exclusive Preview of the World’s Largest Four-Way Shuttle Intelligent Intensive Warehouse


In Hong Kong, China, logistics land supply is scarce, and warehouse rental prices remain high. To enhance industry competitiveness, warehouse owners are exploring technological solutions to improve warehouse operational efficiency. One such solution is using intelligent vertical warehouse to reduce land cost. However, this approach also presents challenges in managing high-density goods stacking.



How to achieve efficient management by intelligence
--the urgent issue in the industry


𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸, in collaboration with strategic partners Smartmore LogTech International Group Limited and Reitar Logtech Group, has created the benchmark project for Comboxx, the largest intelligent automated logistics center in Hong Kong, China. The Comboxx project covers a total area of over 28,000 square meters, with a building height of 18 meters. Lonlink Smart Storage planned and implemented an integrated hardware facility construction for the storage process, including software control, scheduling platforms, and algorithms, all part of the intelligent intensive warehouse total solution. The solution includes 124 four-way pallet shuttles, 58 charging stations, 31 vertical conveyors, 344 soft curtain doors, 840 conveyors, 36 stretch wrapping machines, and 99 flip mechanisms.



According to Comboxx’s Executive Director and Co-Founder, Chen Jianzhong

“The automated warehouse can operate without human intervention. On one hand, this saves labor costs, and on the other hand, due to the absence of corridors and forklift entry space, combined with an 18-meter high floor, the storage capacity is 4-5 times higher than that of a regular warehouse. It is estimated that the project will generate a nine-digit cash flow annually after completion.”



This project aims for 33,800 storage locations with a target efficiency of 1,070 pallets per hour. Lonlink’s intelligent intensive storage solution optimizes warehouse operations, reduces operating costs, and maximizes resource utilization, enabling sustainable development and increasing asset value for customers.


In the future, Lonlink Smart Storage will continue to enhance its service capabilities in the warehousing and logistics industry. Their intensive, intelligent, and flexible warehousing solutions will help customers improve warehouse efficiency, optimize resource allocation, reduce energy consumption, achieve precise inventory management, and drive productivity upgrades across various industry supply chains.